“Everyone Holds a piece of the Truth.”

“Prayer needs no speech. it is itself independent of any sensuous effort”.

“It is good to see ourselves as others see us.”

“Prayer is an unfailing means of cleaning the heart of passions.but it must be combined with the utmost humility.”

“What barrier is there That love Cannot to Break?”

“The Heart`s Earnest and Pure Desire is always fulfilled.”
“Infinite Striving After perfection is one`s right. It is its own reward. The Rest is in the hands of God.”

“one golden rule is to accept the interpretation honestly put on the pledge by the party administering it.”
“A votary of truth must exercise the greatest caution.To allow a man to believe a thing which one has not fully verified is to compromise truth.”
“To slight a single human being is to slight the divine powers, and thus to harm not only that being but with him,the whole world.”
“Worship or prayer is no flight of eloquence: it is no lip-homage. it springs from the heart.”
“Even though a man often succumbs to temption,however much he may resist it providence often intercedes and saves him in spite of himself.”
“Buddha Quote “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, And the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”
“He Who runs to the doctor,vaidya or hakim for every Little ailment,and swallows alll kinds of vegetable and Mineral drugs,not only curtails his life,but by becoming the slave of his body Insdead of remaining its master, loses self- control and ceases to be a man.”
“You cannot shake hands with a Clenched Fist.”
“Plain living harmonised my inward and outward life.”
“Supplication, worship, prayer are no superstition: they are acts more real than the acts of eating, drinking,sitting or walking.”
“Morality is the basis of things,and that truth is the substance of all morality.”
“Accept the interpretation of the waker party, where there are two interpretations possible.”
“Proneness to exaggerate to suppress or modify the truth, wittingly or unwittingly, is a natural weakness of man and silence is necessary in order to surmount it.”
“Service which is rendered without joy helps neither the srevant nor the served. when it is done for show or fear of public opinion it stunts the man and crushed his spirit.”
“Man and his deed are two Distinct things.Whereas a good deed should call forth approbation and wicked deed disapprobation,the doer of the deed,whether good or wicked always deserves respect or pity as the case may be.”
“a votary of ahimsa remains true to his faith if the spring of all his actions is compassion, if he shuns to the best of his ability the destruction of the tiniest creature,tries to save it, and thus incessantly strives to be free from the deadly coil of hismsa.”
“Infinite Striving After Perfection is One`s Right. it is its own reward. the rest is in the hands of god.”
“only a perfect guani deserves to be enthroned as guru. tere must therefore be ceaseless striving after perfection.”
“an imperfect teacher may be tolerable may be tolerable in mundane matters,but not in spirituals.”
“if an unbeliver ,he will attribute his safety to chance. if abeliever,he will say god saved him.”