Green tea contains a whole range of antioxidants and benefits.
One of these is that it helps in reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. It also helps in preventing irregular periods and osteoporosis. It can help in lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure. According to a study conducted by the American Chemical Society, green tea has antioxidant properties that help fight cell damage, normalize blood sugar levels, reduce cardiovascular risks, prevent cancer, protect against dementia, etc.
How Does Green Tea Help Fight Cancer?
Green tea has been found to exhibit anti-cancer activity in many different studies. One study showed that green tea could kill cancer cells and stop tumour growth. Other studies have shown that green tea is helpful with kidney, cardiac, and bone cancers. Some studies show that drinking green tea can help prevent various types of cancer.
How Does Green Tea Relieve Depression?
One of the most important benefits of green tea is its anti-depressive properties. It’s known to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. Green tea also provides antioxidants that help protect your body against illness and infection.
Have More Energy Without The “Morning Coffee Blues” With An Brewed Cup Of Tea
Drinking a cup of green tea in the morning has many significant health benefits. It is said to help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and dis-ease of various types. Green tea has been used for centuries for this purpose.
It contains healthy bioactive compounds.
Green tea is loaded with polyphenol antioxidants which are thought to have various beneficial effects on health. One of the most important benefits is that they can help prevent cancer. The antioxidants are also thought to improve heart health by reducing blood cholesterol levels and preventing insulin resistance, leading to type 2 diabetes.
May improve brain function.
Green tea is a type of tea made from the leaves and stems of the plant Camellia sinensis. It is also one of the most widely consumed beverages after water, milk, and coffee. Its consumption has been linked to health benefits such as lowered cholesterol, reduced risk of stroke, improved memory, faster recovery from exercise, increased fat burning, improved mood, and more. Its unique taste makes it an enjoyable drink for many people.
Increases fat burning: Many people have heard that drinking green tea can help with weight loss. Green tea contains a chemical called epigallocatechin gallate, which has been shown to increase metabolic rate and fat burning. If you are looking to lose weight quickly, green tea is a great option. However, the effects of this beverage aren’t proven over the long term, so it’s best to keep your expectations low if you decide to drink it too regularly.
Antioxidants may lower the risk of some cancers.
One of the essential antioxidants in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to protect against many types of cancer. Antioxidants are chemicals used by cells to stop or prevent damage from free radicals, unregulated atoms or molecules. Free radicals can cause mutations in DNA, disrupt cell signalling pathways, and make cells more susceptible to disease.
May protect the brain from ageing: One of the compounds found in green tea, called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), has been shown to help improve learning and memory. A recent study revealed that drinking green tea twice a day can enhance older adults’ cognitive function. The study found that participants who drank green tea for six months had improved cognition compared to those who drank water or vitamin C.
May reduce lousy breath: Green tea has long been known to help reduce symptoms such as indigestion and heartburn because it contains the antioxidant catechins. Now, scientists have discovered that these compounds can also inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth, reducing the risk of bad breath.
It May help prevent type 2 diabetes.
The type 2 diabetes risk was lowered by 8% in overweight people who drank two to three cups of green tea per day. The study suggests that green tea has the potential to help prevent type 2 diabetes.
It May help you lose weight.
Green tea may help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism. It has been shown to increase the activity of a chemical in the brain called catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT). COMT breaks down dopamine in the brain, which leads to less appetite and more weight loss when COMT is increased.
Green Tea Can Boost Your Productivity
Green tea is a mild stimulant that helps to boost mental alertness and can also help you focus better. Studies have shown that drinking green tea before a test helps students perform better in school. To maximize your productivity throughout the day, try brewing yourself a cup of green tea or adding it to your iced coffee or iced tea.
The Fluoride in Green Tea Promotes Healthy Teeth
Fluoride is a chemical found in most water supplies and is used to prevent tooth decay. The United States currently adds fluoride to drinking water to promote healthy teeth and gums. A new study found that green tea contains naturally-occurring fluoride, strengthening the enamel on teeth and reducing the risk of tooth decay.
It lowers cholesterol
In a new study on the effects of green tea, researchers found that men who took daily doses of green or white tea for 11 weeks showed a significant decrease in oxidized LDL cholesterol. Those who took the green tea showed a more substantial increase in antioxidant levels, thus leading to a more effective reduction in LDL cholesterol levels.
It may reduce the risk of heart disease.
Green tea is widely enjoyed worldwide for its taste and health benefits, but it’s not just your taste buds that are loving it. It has been linked to a reduced risk of coronary artery disease, and its blood pressure-reducing properties promote overall heart health.
It could reduce the risk of stroke.
Researchers analyzed the association between green tea consumption and stroke incidence and the effect of green tea on biomarkers and risk factors. The result of this research was that individuals who drank more green tea had a significantly lower odds of having a stroke than those who did not drink green tea.
It could help you lose weight.
Green tea is a type of tea that people around the world have consumed for centuries. It’s rich in antioxidants that have been shown to help prevent many diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. As it turns out, green tea may also help you manage weight. In one study, researchers found that participants taking green tea experienced a 30% increase in calorie burn within two hours of consumption, compared with placebo.
It may prevent oxidative stress.
Green tea is a popular beverage that is often consumed for its health benefits. The popularity of green tea has led to various products that claim to offer the same benefits as drinking green tea. To determine whether these products are effective, scientists conducted a study on green tea extract and green tea leaves. In their experiments, they found that both extracts were effective at helping the body maintain oxidative balance.
This article explores the numerous health benefits of green tea and provides a list of potential uses for the drink. The many health benefits of green tea include having anti-inflammatory properties, reducing heart disease risks, and even slowing down brain ageing. Green tea is a great drink to keep on hand for this and other reasons.